Ace of Hearts

Michael Ochotorena Joins the Cast of Ace of Hearts

We are pleased to announce that veteran actor, Michael Ochotorena, is joining the cast of Ace of Hearts in the role of Robert Russell.

Based in Tucson, Ochotorena recently appeared in theaters in El Coyote (2019) as Carlos. He also played the titular role in John Light with Michael Sigler and Dean Cain.

Ochotorena is also known for his work on, We Went (2015) (Video), and You’re Gonna Miss Me (2016), Otro Lado (2018). He is also a skilled martial artist; having earned a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo. Ochotorena has previously worked as a bouncer and security and has previously owned his own security business.

We are excited to work with Michael and look forward to the experience that he brings to the cast.
